Child Labour

About half of these children work in hazardous jobs that affect their health and development. Unfortunately, the number of these child workers reaches 79 million.

Although child labor is most common in the agricultural sector, it is also encountered in other sectors.
The purpose of ILO Convention 182 is to prohibit the worst forms of child labor for every child.

Child labor is a serious global issue that affects the lives of millions of children worldwide.

It is a violation of children's rights and can have negative long-term consequences on their health, education, and future opportunities.

The ILO Convention No. 182 is a significant step in preventing child labor by prohibiting the worst forms of child labor, such as slavery, sexual exploitation, and hazardous work. The convention requires ratifying countries to take measures to eliminate the worst forms of child labor as a matter of urgency and to provide support to children who have been removed from such work.

Despite these efforts, millions of children are still trapped in child labor, with many forced to work in hazardous conditions that put their health and well-being at risk. These children often lack access to education, health care, and other basic rights and services.

To address this issue, it is important to continue raising awareness about the dangers and consequences of child labor and to encourage governments, employers, and communities to take action to prevent it. This can include measures such as providing education and vocational training opportunities, enforcing labor laws, and providing social protection and support to families and communities.